Meet The Team

Click on each person's image to view their e-portfolios

Week 4 (4/23/19)
This week, we all worked individually and remotely. See the individual work log for this week's accomplishments.

Week 5 (4/30/19)
This week, we met on Sunday to work on getting the application to run on all of our devices. The meeting minutes is as follows:
Agenda (Sunday, 5th May 2019)
Discuss what to talk about with Jonny (5 min)
Go over the issue of servers running on each of our individual devices
Discuss if whether or not we will need more storage in the database, and decide if we need to upgrade to the next tier
Meet with Jonny and get the application running (45 min)
Make a list of the things left to do for the app (30 min)
Update GANTT Chart (10 min)
Conclude meeting and discuss the plan for next week’s class ( 5 min )
Time/Date: 1pm, May 5, 2019
Place: Heafey Atrium
Purpose: Meet with Jonny to get the build from last quarter running on all of our devices, and overall discuss splitting up tasks for the future.
Members attended: Aastha, Sreya, Francesca, Matt, Sinclair
Currently, what the app does with cloudinary:
Sends to server then server sends to CDN
Jonny suggests that we use AWS S3 Bucket
Send directly to CDN then send URL of image to server
To run the servers, use npm start in terminal when in the server directory
Keep that terminal tab open while running the app in a separate tab
List of things left to do for the app, in terms of priority
We decided that we’re all going to explore the app more and play around with it, and on Tuesday we’re going to split up the coding tasks that are left
We also finished the team reflection and updated the GANTT chart, which can be viewed here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XqJAMltySMIff326SmyOpSn7QbAYWZ26hbyieuDp6B0/edit?usp=sharing.
The team reflection can be viewed in full screen here: https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/e55921_08018286db7b4405ab41cdfe4075c9a5.pdf
We prioritized the functionalities still left to implement on the app in order to make it easier to split off tasks on Tuesday. The full list can be viewed by clicking on the image below.
Click to view the full list.

Week 7 (5/14/19)
This week, part of the group met up over the weekend to informally work on our individual parts of the project in the same room together. We had simply planned to be in the same room together as it was easy to ask one another for help. Through this, we all got progressed in our individual parts.
We also discussed the feedback our community partner gave us after our status presentation. Specifically, she told us:
Don’t need single-sign on, if we can just send a confirmation email to the scu.edu email or confirm that the email address is @ scu
Don’t need timer countdown, just the default time as 30 minutes, but scheduling posts is a must
Don’t need allergens — need to talk to her about this, can just include something about liability in the terms and agreements
Prioritize scheduled posting
Aside from that, we also completed the second reflection regarding liability and civics. Click on the image below to read the reflection.
Click to view in full screen.

Week 8 (5/21/19)
This week, a part of us formally met up on Wednesday of this week to work on the frontend of scheduling posts, and a little on the backend. Here are the meeting minutes:
Agenda (Wednesday, 22nd May 2019)
Review action items left for app (10 min)
Delegate tasks, get to work on updating a post page (2 hours)
Update GANTT Chart (5 min)
Conclude meeting and discuss the plan for next week’s class (5 min)
Time/Date: 4pm, May 22, 2019
Place: Heafey 128
Purpose: Work on fixing the issue of running on iPhone, and work on scheduling posts up to one week in advance.
Members attended: Aastha, Sreya, Matt, Sinclair
We updated the frontend of the app and got the app to show a scheduled post, but no we need to make it schedule and remember the post.
List of things left to do for the app, in terms of priority
To add: an error message if the post is set to schedule more than a week in advance.
We still need to figure out why we can’t post on iPhone, as it may have something to do with the database over the code, and we’re in contact with Jonny about it.
We also worked on the draft of the final report, which can be viewed below.
Click to view in full screen.

Week 9 (5/28/19)
This week, the group met up over the weekend to finalize parts of the project. See the meeting minutes below:
Agenda (Sunday, 2nd June 2019)
Discuss the state of the application (15 minutes)
Finish up/code the post scheduling, fix “allergens” tab to meet Lindsey’s expectations, add any UI updates (1.5 hours)
Finalize the presentation and demo plan (15 minutes)
Time/Date: 6pm, June 2nd
Place: Heafey Atrium
Purpose: Discuss the final state of the application and finalize the project overall: work on the presentation slides, finish the final report, and fix up any major bugs.
Members attended: Aastha, Sreya, Matt, Francesca, Sinclair
Scheduling posts depend on a package called Dio, which is a 3rd party Flutter package that has very little documentation on
Minor error occurs with posting on iOS in general - recurring
Discussed the logo and whether or not it matched our app
Decided to leave it as is
iOS notifications don’t work without a developer’s account
Can’t make one without Lindsey’s ‘OK’ - she still hasn’t gotten back to us
Decided we will demo on Sinclair’s phone for the presentation
On Monday night, Matt and I also screen shared to figure out a couple of bugs and work on the presentation slides.
See the final presentation slides below.
Click to view in full screen.

Week 10 (6/03/19)
This week, we finished the final report, and the one-slide summary. The final report is linked above.
The one-slide summary is also attached below.