"Extra Eats' is a mobile application designed by SCU Center for Sustainability in order to solve the problem of food insecurity on campus. Specifically, the app would be for event planners to share their leftover food with students after events, and the idea would be to take a picture of the item, post it to the feed in the app, and students that are registered can get push notifications to pick up the food. So the primary users would be students and event planners. The impact of this project is to ultimately eliminate the amount of food thrown away or wasted after events, as it will be “recycled” to other SCU students. The app can also be projected to more college campuses and other places within the US, which will decrease our overall carbon footprint, and make the world a more sustainable place.

Based on the schematic in the one-slide summary above, we managed to check off every functionality requirement our community partner requested of us. The only things left to do are:
persistent logins (so the user is not logged out each time they close the app)
push notifications on iOS (need an Apple Developer Kit)
needs to be setup through the Center for Sustainability.
database, server and GitHub need to be hosted using the Center for Sustainability’s email address (which is a quick transfer).
More information on this is highlighted in the final report, which can be viewed here.
Click to view in full screen.

The Customer
SCU Center for Sustainability
Specifically, for this project, the critical customer will be SCU students. Our project is supported by Lindsey Kalkbrenner from SCU Center for Sustainability. The mission of their organization is to make SCU sustainable and environment-friendly. Through this, they hold many events and programs in order to “help the University achieve climate neutrality [and] practice mindful consumption” (“Center for Sustainability”, n.d.).* Personally, I’m very passionate about sustainable living, because it’s really important for us to take care of the world we live in, and I fully believe that it is possible for all of us to make an effort to aid the cause.

Customer Interaction Notes (4/09/19)
Agenda (Tuesday, 9th April 2019)
Use SCU single-sign on, differentiate between students and event planners
Event planners are manually added
There is a limited group (staff or student clubs)
App is equipped with a training manual and procedures that is publicly accessible with topics such as background on food safety (i.e. meat will go bad eventually, so don’t leave that out for long)
The gist of the app is that students get a push notification when there is an event; when posted, they have half an hour to clean the food and then it disappears from the feed
May possibly charge users for purchasing the app, since all the food they get is free
Ideally by May, we can test up to 20 people and we’re hoping to roll out by the end of the quarter (there is a grant for the project)
All notifications are sent at the same time, but we want to schedule the app to post at a certain time - up until 1 week beforehand, set the pick-up window for 30 minutes
Old feed / posts disappear as it is less storage to pay for in the database
Notifications open up to that given post
Post has the following info:
Location, department hosting it, time of availability
Picture of the food (uploaded from either photos or taken from app using native camera)
Description of the food with food allergens
Info about bringing your own reusable container
Students have to be held accountable - once downloading they must sign a terms and conditions of agreement
Agenda (Wednesday, 28th May 2019)
Talk about allergens (15 minutes)
Show current build (15 minutes)
Time/Date: 11am, May 28, 2019
Place: Vari 202
Purpose: Meet with Lindsey to talk about the allergens and discuss whether or not we want to leave it in.
Members attended: Aastha, Sreya, Sinclair
Change allergens to the opposite (e.g. “peanuts” to “peanut free”)
Change the word “allergens” to “may contain”
Change event description to food description
Specify that events expire after 30 minutes as default
*: See the research section in individual work log

Formal Project Information
Scroll down to read more about the project we created for our customer, SCU Center for Sustainability.